humans.txt - Share Your Humanity

Humans TXT logos

You can download the official humansTXT logos and include them in your sites. Please remember you should ask for permission if you are not the owner of the site.

How can I use it?

We encourage placing the logo in the footer, and don’t forget to add a link to your humans.txt file!

  • Logo humans.txt Humans.txt blank isolated
  • Logo humans.txt Humans.txt orange isolated
  • Logo humans.txt Humans.txt transparent
  • Logo humans.txt Humans.txt b/n transparent

Quick start

  1. Create a text file called humans.txt (always in lower-case) and make it UTF-8 encoded to avoid issues with special characters and multiple languages.
If you want, you can also:
  1. Place a reference to the file in the <head> of the site: <link rel="author" href="humans.txt" />
  2. For the sake of clarity and to keep a basic visual structure, you can use the headings /*TEAM*/ and /*SITE*/ to separate the human team from other information about the website.
  3. Include the following information about every human involved in the project: role, name, contact, twitter, geolocation, etc. Please be aware that you may have to deal with spam if you include email adresses.
  4. You can also include additional information about the site, such as the date of the last update (YYYY/MM/DD), its main language, its Doctype and other components, tools and software used on the development.
  5. Save the file and place it in your site root.
  6. Add the humansTXT button to your site and link it to your humansTXT file.

Our file should be similar to the following template:

  • /* TEAM */
  • Your title: Your name.
  • Site: email, link to a contact form, etc.
  • Twitter: your Twitter username.
  • Location: City, Country.
  • /* THANKS */
  • Name: name or url
  • /* SITE */
  • Last update: YYYY/MM/DD
  • Standards: HTML5, CSS3,..
  • Components: Modernizr, jQuery, etc.
  • Software: Software used for the development
  1. HTML5 boilerplate We love the html5boilerplate template, and we encourage you to use it!